Shipbuilders Council of America

SCA is the national trade association representing the U.S. shipyard industry.  SCA members constitute the shipyard industrial base that builds, repairs, maintains and modernizes Navy ships and craft, U.S. Coast Guard vessels of all sizes, as well as vessels for other government agencies. In addition, SCA members build, repair and service America’s fleet of commercial vessels.  The Council represents 50 companies that own and operate over 120 shipyards, with facilities on all three U.S. coasts, the Great Lakes, the inland waterways system, Alaska and Hawaii. SCA also represents 74 affiliate members that provide goods and services to the shipyard industry.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Founded in 1903, Scripps Institution of Oceanography is one of the oldest, largest, and most important centers for ocean and earth science research, education, and public service.  With annual expenditures approaching $200 million and a fleet of four research vessels and research platform FLIP, research at Scripps encompasses physical, chemical, biological, geological, and geophysical studies of the oceans and earth.

Scripps offers educational instruction leading to Masters and Doctoral degrees in applied ocean sciences, biological oceanography, climate science, geophysics, geological science, marine biology, marine chemistry/geochemistry, physical oceanography.  Scripps faculty teach over 45 undergraduate courses covering a wide breadth of earth and marine and environmental sciences and offer an undergraduate degree in earth sciences, and a marine science minor.

The Birch Aquarium at features more than 60 habitats of fishes and invertebrates from the cold waters of the Pacific Northwest to the tropical waters of Mexico and beyond. An oceanographic museum showcases research discoveries by Scripps scientists on climate, earth and ocean science and includes five dozen interactive elements.  Annually, the aquarium welcomes more than 400,000 visitors including more than 40,000 students. Its school programs are structured to provide interactive, inquiry-based science programming infused with current Scripps Oceanography research. Classroom lessons are aligned with the California State Science Content Standards and with National Science Standards.

School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa

The School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa is a world-class research and academic institution focused on informing solutions to some of the world’s most vexing problems.  Through an integrated, comprehensive, and sustained system of Earth and planetary observations, research, and education, SOEST staff work to transform the way people live on Earth by enabling a healthy public, economy, and planet.

Located in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, SOEST facilities provide convenient access to active volcanoes, deep ocean habitats, vibrant coral reefs, and the most isolated terrestrial ecosystem in the world.  SOEST faculty and staff are recognized as international leaders in research, innovation, and education on topics as diverse as alternative energy, microbial oceanography, volcanology, cosmochemistry, and climate modeling.

The 250 faculty within SOEST teach and mentor baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral students focused on geology and geophysics, climate sciences, biological, chemical, and physical oceanography, meteorology, planetary sciences, marine biology, and ocean and resources engineering. With an ocean class research vessel, 6,000 meter capable ROV, one coastal and the deepest ocean cabled observatory, a satellite fabrication facility, a private island devoted to marine biology research, and dozens of other specialized laboratories, students within SOEST are trained on state-of-the-art facilities and mentored in the field as well as the classroom.

Restore America’s Estuaries

Restore America’s Estuaries is an alliance of coastal conservation organizations all across our nation’s coasts committed to ensuring the protection and restoration of our nation’s estuaries. Restore America’s Estuaries acts as the uniting and catalyzing force behind coastal restoration across the country.  Since 1995,  the alliance has raised and leveraged more than $40 million to fund over 900 coastal restoration and mitigation projects throughout the United States-projects. These projects motivated the participation and contributions of more than 250,000 volunteers, and hundreds of federal, state, and local partners devoting time, expertise, labor, and funds to accomplish tangible on-the-ground restoration.


Raytheon is a long term partner with the NOAA enterprise dating back to the WSR-57 weather radar. Our work continues today with the VIIRS sensor on JPSS, the JPSS ground system, NWS AWIPS, and most recently on the EPIC program to advance our nation’s capability for weather prediction.

Raytheon addresses the toughest challenges in the environmental enterprise and looks forward to helping NOAA chart that path through emerging system modernization, satellite sensing, and climate initiatives.

Oregon State University

Founded in 1868, Oregon State University is ranked in the Carnegie Foundation’s top tier for “very high research activity” and is one of only two research universities in the U.S. to hold the federal land, sea, space and sun grant designations simultaneously. Oregon State is Oregon’s largest public research university with $261.7 million in external funding in the 2011 fiscal year. In 2011, Oregon State’s contributions in education, research and community engagement were estimated at $1.9 billion in Oregon and $2.06 billion worldwide.

Oregon State is one of the leading oceanic and atmospheric sciences institutions in the nation. Federal agencies are funding Oregon State research on tsunamis, marine ecosystems, wave energy, ocean observing, invasive species and acidification.

Oregon State’s Hatfield Marine Science Center, located on a 49-acre campus in Newport, Ore., supports diverse research in ocean sciences and collaborations between 120 Oregon State and 180 state and federal researchers, including researchers at the NOAA Marine Operations Center- Pacific. Oregon State’s ocean sciences research is supported by three ocean-going research vessels: the R/V Oceanus, R/V Pacific Storm and R/V Elakha. Since 1959, Oregon State has awarded 828 M.S. and 381 Ph.D. degrees in ocean and coastal sciences.


Oceana works in the United States to win policy victories that will restore and maintain ocean abundance and biodiversity. U.S.-managed waters are among the most extensive national waters in the world, and Oceana is dedicated to making sure those waters are healthy and productive for generations to come. Oceana’s campaigns utilize grassroots organizing, in-house scientific experts and litigators, strategic communications, and political engagement to stop overfishing, reduce bycatch, protect habitat, curb pollution and increase transparency.

Oceana is the largest international advocacy organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation. Oceana is rebuilding abundant and biodiverse oceans by winning science-based policies in countries that control one-third of the world’s wild fish catch. With more than 225 victories that stop overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution, and the killing of threatened species like turtles and sharks, Oceana’s campaigns are delivering results. A restored ocean means that 1 billion people can enjoy a healthy seafood meal, every day, forever. Together, we can save the oceans and help feed the world. Visit to learn more.