FoNOAA Supports Stimulus Funding for NOAA Programs

On behalf of the Friends of NOAA Coalition, we the undersigned are writing to express our thanks to the House and Senate for recognizing the important contributions National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) programs make to the economy and convey our strong support for funding provided for NOAA in H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The programs and activities proposed in the House and Senate bills, including investments in critical infrastructure and habitat restoration, would generate direct economic benefits while also enhancing the agency’s capacity to provide essential information for decision makers to better manage the ocean and understand climate-related changes in an increasingly stressed environment…

2009-02-11 FoNOAA to Conferees re- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

FoNOAA Urges Appropriators to Support NOAA in Continuing Resolution

As members of the Friends of NOAA Coalition, we want to thank the Committees for their continuing support for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Fiscal Year 2009 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations legislation. We were particularly pleased to see the robust funding level of $4.3 billion (House) and $4.5 billion (Senate) proposed for NOAA, which builds on the budget request of $4.1 billion submitted by President Bush. Given recognition of the importance of securing additional funding for NOAA, we request that Congress include an anomaly in the imminent Continuing Resolution (CR) to address the high priority demands being placed on the agency…

FY09 2008-09-05 FoNOAA to House and Senate Full Approps and CJS re- FY08 CR, FY09 Approps

FoNOAA Testifies Before House Committee on FY2009 NOAA Appropriations

I am pleased to submit testimony on behalf of the Friends of NOAA Coalition, which represents approximately 50 different organizations, institutions, and groups from the academic community, the environmental community and the private sector… As supporters, stakeholders and partners of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Friends of NOAA Coalition respectfully requests an appropriation of at least $4.5 billion for NOAA in FY09. This is the minimum amount of funding required for NOAA to fulfill its mission…

FY09 2008-04-02 FoNOAA Testimony before House CJS re- FY09 NOAA Approps

House Oceans Caucus Urges Appropriators to Support NOAA in FY09

As Members of Congress with long-standing interest in the health and viability of our nation’s oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes, we are writing to request additional funding for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Fiscal Year 2009. We greatly appreciate the generous support provided to NOAA in the Subcommittee’s Fiscal Year 2008 spending bill, and would like to build on this effort to move the agency closer to the $4.5 billion funding level we recommended last year…

2008-03-13 House Oceans Caucus to House CJS re- FY09 NOAA Approps

FoNOAA Urges House and Senate Appropriators to Increase Support for NOAA in FY2009

As supporters, stakeholders, unionized employees and partners of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we are writing to request the Subcommittee’s support for an appropriation of $4.5 billion in Fiscal Year 2009 for NOAA. The Administration’s request of $4.1 billion is appreciated but the proposed and necessary increase in support for NOAA satellites comes at the expense of many of NOAA’s core programs…

FY09 2008-03-12 FoNOAA to House CJS re- FY09 NOAA Approps

FY09 2008-03-12 FoNOAA to Senate CJS re- FY09 NOAA Approps

FoNOAA Encourages Administration to Support NOAA Funding in FY2009 Budget

As supporters, stakeholders, organized employees and partners of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we are writing to strongly encourage you to recommend to the President that the Administration request from the Congress a budget of $4.5 billion for fiscal year 2009…

FY09 2007-10-29 FoNOAA to OMB, CEQ, OSTP re- FY09 NOAA Budget