FoNOAA Urges Congress to Avoid Damaging Cuts to NOAA in FY2011

As supporters, stakeholders, employees, and partners of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Friends of NOAA is strongly opposed to cutting the NOAA budget below the President’s Request of $5.6 billion for Fiscal Year 2011. Reductions would result in weakened core programs, major infrastructure deficits, and diminished capabilities to address hazards and disasters that affect America’s economy, national security, and environment. We request your support in opposing cuts to NOAA’s budget and maintaining funding at the $5.6 billion level…

FY11 2011-03-10 FoNOAA to Congress re- FY10 CR, FY11 Approps

FY11 2011-02-13 FoNOAA to Congress re- FY10 CR, FY11 Approps