FoNOAA Urges FY2007 Conferees to Avoid Damaging Cuts to NOAA

As supporters, stakeholders, users, partners, and the employees’ union of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we – the Friends of NOAA Coalition – want to express our concerns about the serious adverse impacts that are beginning to compromise NOAA’s ability to carry out its missions by limiting the agency to the proposed FY 2007 House passed funding level. The FY 2007 House level of $3.4 billion is $288 million below the President’s request and more than half a billion dollars below last year’s funding level. Coupled with reductions from the previous year, it is the Coalition’s opinion that these reductions are jeopardizing NOAA’s ability to conserve and manage ocean resources and protect the lives and livelihoods of our citizens all across the country…

FY07 2007-01-07 FoNOAA to House and Senate CJS re- FY07 NOAA Approps