Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2022

The decisions that governments, businesses, and communities make today will have long-term impacts on the health of our blue planet. Join the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation in Washington, DC or virtually for Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) from June 7 – 9, 2022, themed “Sea: The Future,” to celebrate the 50 years of progress achieved and to set a course for the new policies and actions necessary to sustain our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes and transform our future.


BreezoMeter’s mission is to improve the health and safety of billions of people worldwide exposed to environmental hazards such as wildfires, air pollution, pollen, and more. Our Health-focused Environmental Intelligence enables the transformation of businesses and consumers to become climate-aware and climate-resilient.

Lewis Burke Associates

Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC is a leading government relations firm specializing in advocating for the public policy interests of institutions of higher education and other research and education organizations. Within the Friends of NOAA, Lewis-Burke represents the many priorities relevant to the external research community including on budget and NOAA policy issues. More information about Lewis-Burke and the climate practice can be found here.

NOAA Administrator Dr. Spinrad comments on the signing of the bipartisan infrastructure investment

The following is released from NOAA, and can be found at

“NOAA touches the life of every American each day, and the historic investments reflected in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act signed today by President Biden underscore the importance of our science, service, and stewardship mission. Over the next five years the $2.96 billion dollar investments for NOAA laid out in this legislation will improve and significantly expand equitable access to our weather and climate prediction capabilities and services; enhance coastal resilience and habitat restoration efforts, including Pacific salmon recovery; and improve our modeling capacity through investments in supercomputing infrastructure.

The nation’s infrastructure of the future needs to be climate smart, climate ready, and climate resilient to prepare communities for the on the ground impacts of increasingly intense precipitation, hurricanes, flooding, drought, extreme heat, and fire weather events. As an integral part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA’s data, analysis and predictions are used by businesses of all sizes to make critical decisions daily. This significant increase in resources for NOAA will benefit the business community across a range of sectors from agriculture to energy to transportation, especially when it comes to products and services that help prepare for extreme weather and climate-driven events.

This historic investment would not be possible without the extraordinary leadership of President Biden and his strong vision for resilient infrastructure and efficient operations of many sectors, and for the House and Senate leaders who support making it a reality.”

— Dr. Rick Spinrad

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: A $2.96 billion investment in NOAA’s future


  • $492 million to improve NOAA’s coastal and inland flood mapping, forecasting, and water modeling. These investments will improve NOAA’s capability to better inform life and property decisions and mitigate flooding impacts to the U.S. population and economy.
  • $150 million to enhance observing systems that gather crucial data about our coastal, ocean and Great Lakes environment. NOAA will make critical investments in advanced observing technology.  These investments will help measure how environmental observing systems can provide critical data about the marine ecosystem. 
  • $50 million to improve wildfire prediction, modeling, and forecasting. NOAA will work to improve short-term forecasts to better predict fire behavior and longer-term modeling of interactions among climate variability, climate change, and the likelihood of hazardous wildfire conditions.
  • $50 million for scientific instruments and equipment to support wildfire observation. NOAA will procure new instruments and equipment, and update existing equipment to improve wildfire prediction, detection, observation, modeling, and forecasting. 
  • $1 million for research on soil moisture and snowpack in the upper Missouri River basin. This investment will support the NOAA National Mesonet Program to establish a monitoring system for forecasters and river managers to adequately assess drought conditions and flood potential—both of which are critical to the protection of life and property in the entire Missouri River Basin. 


  • $491 million to provide funding and technical assistance to restore marine, estuarine, and Great Lakes ecosystems, and to help prevent flood damage in coastal communities. This investment helps protect the safety and well-being of coastal communities by buffering shorelines from erosion, reducing flooding, and removing potentially hazardous structures.
  • $80 million to improve supercomputing infrastructure to support weather and climate models. This investment will enable NOAA to procure research supercomputing equipment used for weather and climate model development to improve drought, flood, and wildfire prediction, detection, and forecasting. 
  • $56 million to enhance Regional Ocean Partnerships for the coordination of  interstate and intertribal management of ocean and coastal resources. This investment will enhance the use of Regional Ocean Partnerships — voluntary, multi-state, typically Governor-established forums that identify shared priorities and take action on a diversity of ocean, coastal and Great Lakes issues important to their geographies and communities. With NOAA’s support, these long-standing partnerships are an effective means of fostering best practices of interagency coordination, data-informed ocean and coastal management, and thoughtful engagement with regional constituents. 
  • $25 million to enable data acquisition that supports improved measurements of soil moisture and snowpack. This investment will support a NOAA study and pilot program with the state mesonet programs in the Upper Missouri River Basin. The program will examine soil moisture and snowpack monitoring in the Upper Missouri River Basin pursuant to section 511(b)(3) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020. 


  • $492 million to support coastal resilience and restoration through National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund grants. This investment supports climate-resilient adaptation for industry and communities, and promotes sustainable job opportunities. Funding will help restore and strengthen natural infrastructure to protect coastal communities, including those who have historically lacked investment and access to resources, while also enhancing habitats for fish and wildlife. 
  • $400 million to enhance fish passage by restoring barriers and providing technical assistance under the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (15% of funding reserved for tribes). These funds will help protect and restore habitats that sustain fisheries, recover protected species, and maintain resilient ecosystems and communities.
  • $207 million for habitat restoration through the Coastal Zone Management Act. Coastal Zone Management grants will enable approved coastal programs to better prepare for and become more resilient to storms, flooding and inundation, erosion, tsunamis, sea-level rise and lake-level changes, and other natural hazards that affect U.S. coastlines.
  • $200 million to support marine debris prevention and removal ($50M reserved for NOAA Sea Grant). These investments will support the NOAA Marine Debris Program, which promotes action to reduce debris in our ocean, including clean up and response needed as a result of severe marine debris events. 
  • $172 million to support recovery efforts for Pacific coastal salmon. These investments will protect, restore, and conserve Pacific salmon and steelhead and their habitats through competitive funding to states and Tribes.
  • $77 million to support habitat restoration through the National Estuarine Research Reserves. These investments will support stewardship activities at each of the 29 National Estuarine Research Reserves that support habitat conservation, restoration, and the development of decision support tools.
  • $20 million to support Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, and Essential Fish Habitat consultation and permitting. These investments will allow NOAA to provide more efficient, accurate, and timely permit reviews, through the training of personnel, development of programmatic documents, procurement of technical or scientific services, development of data and information systems, stakeholder and community engagement, and the development of analysis tools, techniques, and guidance.

Shark Stewards

Shark Stewards mission is to save endangered sharks and rays from overfishing and the shark fin trade and protect critical marine habitat through education, science and advocacy.

Based in Berkeley California, Shark Stewards is a project of The Earth Island Institute.

National Ocean Protection Coalition (NOPC)

The National Ocean Protection Coalition (NOPC) brings together people committed to protecting our one and only ocean.

Our coalition includes groups representing national, regional, and local perspectives from across the U.S. and includes Tribal leaders, racial justice advocates, scientists, faith leaders, conservationists, outdoor enthusiasts, fishers and more. 

Together, we work to create and support marine protected areas – special places in the ocean that, much like national parks on land, serve as a refuge for the wildlife that call these underwater places home and help to ensure a healthy ocean for the benefit of all.

IOOS Association

The IOOS Association is a national nonprofit organization established to advance US IOOS and the national coastal observation information needs. Working with the 11 Regional Associations, U.S. IOOS Program Office, NOAA federal agencies, and other partners, the Association fosters communication across the program, strengthens intra-regional relationships, and promotes integration and coordination.

Sea Grant Association

The Sea Grant Association (SGA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the Sea Grant program concept. The SGA’s  members are the academic institutions that participate in the National Sea Grant College Program. SGA provides the mechanism for these institutions to coordinate their activities, set program priorities at both the regional and national level, and provide a unified voice for these institutions on issues of importance to the oceans, Great Lakes and coasts. The SGA advocates for greater understanding, use and conservation of marine, coastal and Great Lakes resources.

National Association of Marine Laboratories

The National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML) is a network of place-based marine and Great Lakes laboratories.  NAML’s geographic network includes estuaries, the coastal zone, the Great Lakes and inland watersheds, the global ocean including polar regions, and the sea floor. NAML labs provide scientists, students, public and civic leaders with leading edge science, environmental and coastal intelligence, and professional training that contributes to the understanding, management, and stewardship of our ocean, coastal zones and Great Lakes.  The research, observational, and education activities we carry out contribute to the nation’s economic, environmental, and national security.