Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) provides science-based solutions to global environmental challenges. AER’s internationally renowned scientists and software engineers collaborate to transform state-of-the-art predictive science and analytical tools into practical systems that address both civilian government and defense needs for geophysical understanding, computer simulation, and forecasting. AER customers include government agencies and national laboratories, aerospace and defense contractors, and academia. Areas of expertise comprise atmospheric and environmental science, remote sensing, meteorology, oceanography, space science, climate change, and software engineering. AER, a Verisk Analytics business (Nasdaq:VRSK), was established in 1977 and is headquartered in Lexington, Mass. Visit
Author Archives: FoNOAA Admin
FoNOAA Urges House and Senate Leadership and Appropriators to Support NOAA in FY17
As supporters, stakeholders, employees, and partners of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), Friends of NOAA (FoNOAA) would like to thank you for the increase in discretionary funding provided in the CJS Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2017. However, we are concerned about cuts in the bill to NOAA’s budget and request that you fund the agency at $6.05 billion for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017.
Read the full FoNOAA letters sent to the House and Senate Leadership and Appropriations Committees.
FY17 Appropriations and NOAA Impact Tables
FoNOAA Encourages Congress to Support NOAA Funding in FY2017
As supporters, stakeholders, employees, and partners of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we appreciate Congress’ historic interest in and support of the agency and urge appropriators to continue their leadership and investment in NOAA. Friends of NOAA strongly supports funding the agency at no less than $6.05 billion in FY17.
Read the full FoNOAA testimony submitted to Senate and House Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommitte:
FY17 President’s Budget and NOAA Blue Book
FY17 President’s Budget:
NOAA FY17 Blue Book:
NOAA FY17 Congressional Justification:
FoNOAA Analysis of Top-Line Agency Budget:
FY16 Omnibus Appropriations and NOAA Impact Tables
Click 2015-12-16 FoNOAA FY16 Budget NOAA Impacts Table to see summary information on the Omnibus Appropriations for NOAA.
Omnibus Bill:
CJS report:
FoNOAA Urges House and Senate Appropriators to Support NOAA in FY16
As supporters, stakeholders, employees, and partners of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Friends of NOAA strongly supports funding the agency at no less than $6 billion in FY16.
Read the full FoNOAA letters sent to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees.
International Fund for Animal Welfare
Georgia Conservancy
Ogeechee Riverkeeper
Ogeechee Riverkeeper is a non-profit, 501c3 organization dedicated to protecting, preserving and improving the water quality of the Ogeechee, Canoochee and coastal rivers in southeast Georgia. We fulfill our mission through 3 hands-on program areas including education and outreach, legislative and policy work and pollution investigation and water monitoring. Ogeechee Riverkeeper works for clean water and healthy communities for generations to come.