Ogeechee Riverkeeper


Ogeechee Riverkeeper is a non-profit, 501c3 organization dedicated to protecting, preserving and improving the water quality of the Ogeechee, Canoochee and coastal rivers in southeast Georgia. We fulfill our mission through 3 hands-on program areas including education and outreach, legislative and policy work and pollution investigation and water monitoring. Ogeechee Riverkeeper works for clean water and healthy communities for generations to come.

Inland Ocean Coalition


The ocean is our planet’s life support system, and its health is in crisis. We often think that to protect the ocean, you have to be near the ocean. But we all have a direct impact on the cycles of life in the ocean—no matter where we live. The changes we need to make to address the largest threats facing our seas—lowering carbon emissions, reducing plastic and other pollution, protecting our fisheries, safeguarding watersheds, promoting marine protected areas, and fighting for legislation that supports our ocean, waterways, and climate—can happen from anywhere in the world.

The Inland Ocean Coalition’s approach is unique in that we give inland communities a voice in protecting our ocean by empowering them to become ocean champions in their communities and connecting them with their legislative leaders. Our unique niche allows us to work with our chapters and supporters around the country to convey to our legislative leaders that we all have a stake in ocean protection, even if we live inland.

The Inland Ocean Coalition is working to build ocean conservation constituencies around the US. We hope you’ll join us to protect the ocean we all love.

FoNOAA Encourages the Administration to Support NOAA Funding in FY2016 Budget

As supporters, stakeholders, employees, and partners of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), we appreciate the Administration’s support for the agency in the President’s FY15 budget proposal and urge the Administration to continue its leadership and investment in NOAA. Friends of NOAA strongly supports funding the agency at no less than $5.8 billion in FY16.

Read the full FoNOAA letter sent to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

2014-11-24 FoNOAA FY16 Letter to OMB

House CJS Subcommittee Markup Info

House CJS Bill: bills-113hr-sc-ap-fy2015-cjs-subcommitteedraft

Summary:The legislation contains $5.3 billion for NOAA, virtually equal to the fiscal year 2014 enacted level. Within this total, National Weather Service operations and systems are funded above the President’s request, denying proposed cuts to hurricane forecasting and tsunami warning grants. The bill includes full funding for the Joint Polar Satellite System weather satellite program and the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite to help maintain and improve weather forecasting to warn communities about potentially devastating natural disasters.